Thursday, August 14, 2014

Snack List Five: Ling Hi Mui

Ling Hi Mui is dried, salted, sugared, sour plums.

I can do pickled plums, in moderation, mostly as an adjunct to a soup or porridge. And I love salt and vinegar chips.

But these I could not eat. I tried. Twice.  


I did pick up the powdered version, which is meant to sprinkle on fruit. I think that would probably taste pretty good to me, in massive moderation.


Unknown said...

Where did you get the li hing mui you tried? There are several varieties and some I cannot enjoy, while others I do.

Unknown said...

Where did you get the li hing mui you tried? There are several varieties, and some are more palatable than others.

Carrie P said...

Big Save. If you can point me to where to find better on Kauai. I'd be grateful.

Unknown said...

that doesn't even sound good 8-O