Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Waimea or Sedona?

Box of chocolate Mac nuts to the first who comments with the correct answer. You must get all four right to win.






Unknown said...

1. Waimea
2. Sedona
3. Sedona
4. Waimea

hope youre having fun!

Carrie P said...

Having a blast. Just kayaked and hiked to a waterfall.

Not quite right. Try again.

Unknown said...


1. Waimea
2. Waimea
3. Sedona
4. Sedona

Carrie P said...

Yes! Congrats! You proved my point though. It's really hard to tell.

Unknown said...

It was hard to tell, but what's funny is my second guess was really my first mind. Shouldn't have changed it lol